A Living Revolution

Our Five Pillars

Promoting Life and Abolishing Abortion

End to Corporate Socialism and Bailouts

Abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank
and State-backed Cartels

Decentralization of Political Power By
Means such as Nullification 

End to Pointless Wars at Home and Abroad

…a Revolution that lives in us

LYC Platform

Our Vision, Our Mission


We believe that the preservation of liberty is one of the highest aims a society can have. As such, we believe in the defense of all civil liberties. All Americans have the right to be free of government surveillance; free of state intervention in children’s education, free from government mandates on personal health decisions; and other such violations of personal liberty. Therefore, we advocate for the abolition of the USA PATRIOT Act and other surveillance laws; abolition of laws restricting firearm possession; abolition of government vaccine mandates and passports; and abolition of the federal Department of Education.


We believe in the American Dream. We believe that every American should be free to pursue his betterment with minimal to no state involvement. We hold that Capitalism and the Austrian School of Economics are the best systems for achieving prosperity. Core to this conviction is the belief that the Federal Reserve Bank should be abolished. We condemn any and all bailouts of large businesses at the expense of the American working class.


We believe that all people are self-owning. All human life should be defended, no matter its age, sex, or race. We believe that an individual has the right to defend his life. Therefore, we advocate for the abolition of abortion.


We believe that war should be a last resort and only used in accordance with the Just War Doctrine as advocated by Ron Paul. We seek the breaking of the power of the military-industrial complex over society and the state.


We believe in and advocate for the decentralization of power as much as is feasibly possible. We advocate for nullification of unjust laws, for voluntary mutual aid societies as an alternative state welfare, and for increased localization. We seek to reinvigorate the strength of the 9th and 10th Amendment.


We believe in and advocate for a culture that is most beneficial to the preservation and prospering of liberty. We oppose Leftist “woke” culture in all its forms. We believe that people should not be judged as members of a group such as race or sex, but rather, as individuals. We support the creation of Liberty culture.


Any and all omission of any particular issue or subject is not in any way meant to reflect condemnation nor endorsement of said issue or subject.