Our Initiatives

Our Initiatives are specialized groups that target areas and communities. These groups are part of the LYC National Organization.

Mises Magazine

Tired of having so called libertarians defend the COVID state, wokeism, and abortion? Mises Magazine is working to start a monthly digital magazine discussing political theory, strategy, and current events.



Education needs to be entertaining and engaging. We need to be approachable and be where the people are. This very special project will make Economic Theory and Political Discussions out of the Ivory Towers and to our dorms, kitchen tables, and everyday community. 


Our Partners

Our Partners are independent organizations who share common values or ideas. We work with these groups on a case by case basis.

Young Patriots Network

The Young Patriots Network is a network of young Conservatives  campaign staffers, content creators, and legislative assistants. They are dedicated in helping young conservatives find internships and other job opportunities in the political sphere. 

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